Line of amplifiers
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Line of amplifiers
WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 32670
    [post_author] => 25
    [post_date] => 2024-05-26 09:59:48
    [post_date_gmt] => 2024-05-26 12:59:48
    [post_content] => Imagine combining the strength and efficiency of the High Voltage amplifiers (HV) with the intelligence of the Smart line. This is the essence of the HV 3000 CHIPEO SMART.

Equipped with the advanced 'Power Control System', which maintains the amplifier's maximum power at impedances of 1 to 2 ohms, it now also controls and maintains 3000 Watts RMS regardless of the input voltage in systems that require 120 to 350 VDC (from 10 to 24 batteries in series).

Furthermore, its wide frequency response of 10Hz to 30KHz enables the amplification of a wide range of sounds, from deep bass to clear treble. In other words, you now have a High Voltage amplifier that can be used with Subwoofers, Mid-Low and Midrange Speakers, Full Range Speakers, Phenolic and Titanium Drivers, Super Tweeters, among others, with the advantage of drastically reducing the energy consumption of the 12 Volt system.

Explore the power of the HV 3000 CHIPEO SMART and raise the level of your automotive sound.
    [post_title] => HV 3000 CHIPEO SMART
    [post_excerpt] => 
    [post_status] => publish
    [comment_status] => closed
    [ping_status] => closed
    [post_password] => 
    [post_name] => hv-3000-chipeo
    [to_ping] => 
    [pinged] => 
    [post_modified] => 2024-09-03 13:51:02
    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-03 16:51:02
    [post_content_filtered] => 
    [post_parent] => 0
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    [post_type] => produto
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    [comment_count] => 0
    [filter] => raw
WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 5855
    [post_author] => 19
    [post_date] => 2019-07-12 09:44:17
    [post_date_gmt] => 2019-07-12 12:44:17
    [post_content] => Força, desempenho e muito rendimento são alguns dos sinônimos desse módulo da Taramps. Possui potência máxima de 20.000 Watts RMS a 0.5 ohm, proteção térmica e anti curto circuito. É alimentado por meio de baterias em série, pois utiliza baterias como sua fonte geradora de energia. Membro de uma linha singular na sua categoria, entregando uma potência extremamente elevada nos sistemas de som automotivo de médio e grande porte. Destaques dos subgraves até os médios agudos, com alto desempenho em timbres e qualidade sonora.
    [post_title] => HV 20.000 CHIPEO
    [post_excerpt] => 
    [post_status] => publish
    [comment_status] => closed
    [ping_status] => closed
    [post_password] => 
    [post_name] => en-hv20-000-chipeo
    [to_ping] => 
    [pinged] => 
    [post_modified] => 2024-08-12 08:08:50
    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-12 11:08:50
    [post_content_filtered] => 
    [post_parent] => 0
    [guid] =>
    [menu_order] => 0
    [post_type] => produto
    [post_mime_type] => 
    [comment_count] => 0
    [filter] => raw
WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 5546
    [post_author] => 19
    [post_date] => 2019-06-27 14:09:54
    [post_date_gmt] => 2019-06-27 17:09:54
    [post_content] => Power, efficiency and high performance are some of the synonyms of this module. It has a maximum power of 40,000 Watts RMS at 0.5 Ohm, thermal protection and anti-short-circuit. It is powered by batteries in series, as it uses batteries as its source of power. It is a unique line in its category, delivering extremely high power in mid and large car audio systems. Stands out in quality from sub-bass to mid-highs. High performance in timbres and audio quality.
    [post_title] => HV 40.000 CHIPEO
    [post_excerpt] => 
    [post_status] => publish
    [comment_status] => closed
    [ping_status] => closed
    [post_password] => 
    [post_name] => hv40-000-chipeo
    [to_ping] => 
    [pinged] => 
    [post_modified] => 2024-08-22 08:12:31
    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-22 11:12:31
    [post_content_filtered] => 
    [post_parent] => 0
    [guid] =>
    [menu_order] => 0
    [post_type] => produto
    [post_mime_type] => 
    [comment_count] => 0
    [filter] => raw
WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 30618
    [post_author] => 23
    [post_date] => 2018-09-12 11:27:59
    [post_date_gmt] => 2018-09-12 14:27:59
    [post_content] => Discover the true power of sound with the HV 80,000 CHIPEO amplifier. With unparalleled performance, this amplifier is the perfect choice for those looking for intense and powerful sound. Furthermore, it has thermal and short circuit protection, ensuring that you enjoy the sound without worrying about potential damage to the equipment.

This amplifier is powered by batteries connected in series, as it uses them as its energy source. Member of a unique product line in its category, the HV 80,000 CHIPEO delivers a power of up to 80,000 watts at 0.5 ohm, which makes it ideal for medium and large automotive sound systems. Highlighting everything from sub-bass to mid-range, this amplifier offers high performance and great sound quality.

Experience the true power of sound with the HV 80,000 CHIPEO amplifier, and feel the difference.
    [post_title] => HV 80.000 Chipeo
    [post_excerpt] => 
    [post_status] => publish
    [comment_status] => closed
    [ping_status] => closed
    [post_password] => 
    [post_name] => hv-80-000-chipeo
    [to_ping] => 
    [pinged] => 
    [post_modified] => 2024-08-30 13:32:53
    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-30 16:32:53
    [post_content_filtered] => 
    [post_parent] => 0
    [guid] =>
    [menu_order] => 0
    [post_type] => produto
    [post_mime_type] => 
    [comment_count] => 0
    [filter] => raw
    [post_title_ml] => [:pt]HV 80.000 CHIPEO[:en]HV 80.000 Chipeo[:es]HV 80.000 CHIPEO[:]
    [post_title_langs] => Array
            [pt] => 1
            [en] => 1
            [es] => 1

WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 583
    [post_author] => 19
    [post_date] => 2018-08-18 13:23:58
    [post_date_gmt] => 2018-08-18 16:23:58
    [post_content] => Power , performance and a lot of efficiency are some of the synonyms of this module byTaramps. It can reach max power of up to 160,000 Watts. Features thermal and anti-short circuit protection. It is powered by batteries in series, as it uses batteries as its power generating source. Member of a unique line-up in its sector, delivering extremely high power in medium and large car sound systems. Highlights from sub-bass to high mids, with high performance in timbres and audio quality.
    [post_title] => HV 160.000 - Competition
    [post_excerpt] => 
    [post_status] => publish
    [comment_status] => closed
    [ping_status] => closed
    [post_password] => 
    [post_name] => hv-160-000
    [to_ping] => 
    [pinged] => 
    [post_modified] => 2024-08-05 13:33:46
    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-05 16:33:46
    [post_content_filtered] => 
    [post_parent] => 0
    [guid] =>
    [menu_order] => 0
    [post_type] => produto
    [post_mime_type] => 
    [comment_count] => 0
    [filter] => raw
    [post_title_ml] => [:pt]HV 160.000 -  Competição[:en]HV 160.000 - Competition[:es]HV 160.000 - Competición[:]
    [post_title_langs] => Array
            [pt] => 1
            [en] => 1
            [es] => 1
